Boarding the Carnival Spirit
Looking forward to 9 days of fun in the sun are-in the back-Lee, Me, Chris, Sandy, Christie
In the front we have-Steve, Michelle, Josh, Cheryl.
Bill, Jody, And LeAnne flew in from Nebraska a day earlier so didn't board with us!
On board-just relaxing
Catching some easy time after the hectic day boarding
On board-Dancing
LeAnne, Josh, Michelle and Jody decided to warm up the dance floor, Don't
know who the 2 ladies in back are. They just muscled in on my picture hehehe
On board-Dinner time. The Captain's table-big enough to seat all of us
Standing we have Bill, Jody, Josh, LeAnne, Me, Michelle
Seated we have Steve, Christie, Chris, Sandy and cheryl
On board-formal night
On the left-the men from top-Steve, Me, Lee, Bill, and the red-head is Josh.
On the right-the ladies from the top-Christie, Chris, Jody, Michelle, Sandy,
Cheryl, LeAnne.