Fran e-mailed me these pics and text to post on his blog for him... but that means I get to add in any little asides I want to... his text in bold, mine in regular type. *snickering*
Sat, 6.14.08 10:15 am
St Petersburg, Russia, yesterday. Having trouble getting pictures to load on the blog and hoping Jane can figure out what's wrong. I am sending her the pics from Russia in hopes she can get them to post. In any case, when I get a solid, fast connection, I will post all the pictures I took. Well, a lot anyway hehehe.
Me, on the ride on the canal boats. [They call this city the Venice of the North], and river. It was actually chilly and windy enough on the wide river that I would have appreciated a heavier jacket. Thank the gods I decided to bring that light jacket. I've had to have it on all but 1 day so far.
Fran, if I were you, I'd buy another couple of long sleeve t-shirts, and start layering more. I swear I think I see goosebumps. :D
He titled this one Aurora 2, and I guess we'll have to wait for a description later.
This one was labeled 'Presidential Palace'. Has anyone else but me noticed that he's not saying a word about all the single women he's meeting on board ship? Just that he's having a "better time than he expected" lol
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8 years ago
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